joint ecosystem modeling
Threatened and Endangered Vertebrates in Florida
Database Query Tool
Information for New Users
Search Tips
The search form will only search for entries containing ALL of the specified criteria.
In general, we recommend users to start with more general species or trait-based searches, and refine the criteria to specific authors, study sites, or other categories once the breadth of available data is known.
If the entire title of a publication is not known, we recommend including the minimum number of words that you know appear in the title. If one word is incorrect, or the words are not in the correct order, the title will not be returned.
Not all data entries contain location or study site information. If you search for a specific author and study site, for example, only entries containing both of those criteria will be generated. Data entries that contain the specified author, but do not contain study site information, will not be returned.
Data Viewing Tips
For searches containing multiple trait categories (i.e., habitat, reproduction, etc.) there are multiple tabs located on the top of the search results.
You can select the tabs separately to view the different trait categories.
To sort alphabetically by column header, select the underlined column header title.
Please note that column headers that do not contain data will not be returned on the search results screen.
A list of page numbers is displayed on the top and the bottom of the screen for search results containing multiple pages. The number of results per page can be modified on the search form.
Please note that you may need to select the "…" link to display page numbers for results with many pages.
Data is exportable to Excel via the "Export to Excel" link.
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