Software Requirements
Java 11 or later
Operating system:
- Windows - 64 bit
- Mac OS - Intel 64 bit
- Linux - 64 bit with GTK
EverVIEW Data Viewer Change Log
v3.0.0 - 2021-01-04
- Update for Java 11
- Move Software Requirements to README.txt file
- Update to supporting libraries that have been migrated to Java 11
- Add javax.annotation to dependencies
- Update org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs and org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs for Java 11 and warn on missing javadocs for private visibility
v2.9.3 - 2020-08-14
- Library updates (some may not apply):
- edu.ucar.unidata.netcdf;bundle-version="5.3.3",
- gov.usgs.jem.cerp.netcdf;bundle-version="3.0.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.spatial.model;bundle-version="2.0.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.spatial.expressions;bundle-version="2.0.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.hydro.processing;bundle-version="2.0.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.netcdf.depthcreator.ui;bundle-version="2.0.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.netcdf.ncmlcreator.ui;bundle-version="2.0.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.thredds.ui;bundle-version="2.0.0"
- Attempt to resolve the majority of compiler warnings through a combination of mechanisms:
- refactor deprecated to current usage where possible, suppress deprecation otherwise;
- add javadocs in some cases, but suppress where documentation was largely ignored or code is not otherwise actively maintained;
- suppress or address other compiler warnings (e.g. resource; unused)
v2.9.2 - 2019-07-09
- ThreddsCatalogModel: explicit check if THREDDS catalog cannot be loaded.
v2.9.1 - 2019-06-16
- edu.ucar.unidata.netcdf;bundle-version="5.1.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.cerp.netcdf;bundle-version="2.0.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.spatial.expressions;bundle-version="1.4.0",
- gov.usgs.jem.spatial.model;bundle-version="1.4.0",
- guava;bundle-version="29.0.0",
- org.apache.commons.csv;bundle-version="1.8.0",
- org.geotools.plugin;bundle-version="23.0.0"
v2.9.0 - 2019-02-21
- Update the display status bar on the Globe View to show location information left aligned; adjust number formatting
- Add Viridis color palette option
- Add options to change the chart view font size delta and tick font size delta
- Updated Chart View identify objects stroke size default to 1
- Updated Chart View identify chart to use variable and units for range label
- Updated Chart View identify chart default color cycling
- Updated Chart View histogram chart range label to "Count"
- Updated text displayed for license entries when updating EverVIEW
- Updated Intro View to remove "Close Window" button, keep "X" at the top of the view part
- Updated Intro View to not show if not explicitly required (override or new version)
- When loading from state file, continue loading other elements even if one of them fails
- When loading from state file, update progress dialog to display the globe section ID
- Update data area to be in based on user home on all systems (fixes issues on Mac with startup)
- Update WMSCatalogManager to show path to WMS file that is attempting to be saved when an error occurs
- Bug fix for Globe View behavior on Mac systems with high DPI displays, where mouse position (hover, click) was not being accurately reported
- Bug fix for data info view on Mac systems not being able to be shown after hiding
- Bug fix for display of Globe View status bar on some systems (split view cuts off coordinates)
v2.8.1 - 2018-11-29
- Bug fix for some identify object labels not showing correct value when using synchronized globe sections
- Bug fix for identify objects synchronization with 3 or more datasets open and different CRS present
- Bug fix for loading shapefile overlay when shapefile has POINT or MULTIPOINT data (null pointer / null iterable)
- Bug fix for EverCalc Expressions Tool "ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Integer"
- In DataModel, do not cast DATE_INDICES property as Integer[] before creating data access
- Bug fix for EverCalc Expressions Tool date range selector: it did not use UTC dates, leading to the user needing to select previous day's dates in some circumstances
- Change to underlying NetCDF reader library: be more careful when holding open file handles.
- ZipSlip mitigation
v2.8.0 - 2017-03-15
- Updated dataset loader dialog to allow only one bound to be specified for automatic color ramp range
- Allow shapefile interior and exterior colors to be turned off (preferences)
- Remember base layer selections between runs and add preference page to manage them
- Update video capture and screen region capture to use control in menu instead of floating composite
- Bug fix for the dataset loader dialog when reopening, the dialog doesn't pre-populate with dataset contents
- Bug fix for the dataset loader dialog that prevented automatic color ramp min/max from pre-populating
- Bug fix for the dataset loader dialog edit of color ramp entry's color
- Bug fix for calculating the min, max of large-dimensioned data variables
- Bug fix for when new identify objects are added, call-out preference not respected
- Bug fix for when loading identify objects, progress bar fills up too quickly and reports incorrect progress
- Bug fix for some NcML datasets unable to retrieve date listing
- Bug fix for identify object labels not showing current value for synchronized globe section
- Bug fix for base layer services that have migrated to https-only
- Bug fix for video capture tool not scaling properly on High-DPI displays
- Update to World Wind 2.1
- Extensions:
- EverCalc Expressions Tool
- Bounding box dialog is now resizeable and opens showing all controls
- Shapefile geometry "Use" column is widened by default
v2.7.0 - 2015-06-04
- EverVIEW is now available for Windows 64-bit Java
- Improved performance for histogram and pie charts by pooling data retrieval together, which also reduces thread contention
- Cache min, max values for datasets by time stamp when loaded
- Cache histogram and pie chart data across sessions
- Improved image plotting time for integer fixed-point datasets (single- and tiled-images layers)
- Significantly improved tiled-images creation time for orthogonal grid datasets
- Significantly improved color ramp value lookups (more than 50% faster now)
- Significantly improved creation time for both speed- and detailed-overlays for unstructured grid datasets
- Added native support for visualizing shapefiles
- Added support for quick shapefile to NetCDF conversion
- Added support for quick timeseries text file + shapfile to NetCDF conversion
- Added preference for number of additional tiled-images detail levels to pregenerate
- Added API support for using alternative, existing caches of tiled-images layers
- Updated synchronization dialog to allow configuration for all open globe sections. It can now be accessed via the View menu. Restored the no-dialog state of the view sync, date sync, and animation sync buttons
- Transition from net.sourceforge.nattable library to org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable library
- Cache manager dialog now displays job progress dialog when determining folder size
- Identify objects can now calculate sum and standard deviation, in addition to the existing average, min, and max
- Added option to focus on identify objects after they are loaded
- Allow user to choose to locate or skip unlocatable files from an EverVIEW state file
- THREDDS servers can be double clicked for browse; history entries double clicked for load
- Added additional right padding for identify object time series charts so date labels won't get cut off
- Disable political boundaries by default
- Enable append mode by default and added a checkbox option to the identify object loader dialog
- Restore table view location to globe view coordinates when loading from state file
- Floating widgets can now be temporarily resized (click on edge and drag)
- Updated bug report and enhancement request tool with a workaround for blocked submissions
- Removed preference/restriction on the number of identify objects
- Removed preference/restriction on the identify objects being outside dataset spatial envelope
- Bug fix related to mouse movement when adding polygon identify objects via table
- Bug fix for when Bursa-Wolf parameters are missing from projection: fallback to alternative image overlay mode
- Bug fix for World Wind locale problems when loading base layers (e.g. fr_FR)
- Bug fix for adding THREDDS servers and then sorting removing new entry
- Bug fix for retrieval of min, max attributes when NcML files are used
- Extensions:
- PFLCC Scenarios Viewer:
- Updated loader dialog is displayed before datasets are loaded and allows customization of which and how many datasets are initially loaded and whether EverVIEW zooms to them by default
- Includes cached image overlays to speed up data loading
- Can now load more than one breakdown polygon; option to zoom to polygon(s) when loading
- Can now load user-supplied Shapefile polygons for breakdown calculation
- Option to add Shapefile reference layers
- Several user interface tweaks as well as under-the-hood improvements
- Introduced Expressions Framework built on top of the EverVIEW API for data manipulation
- Added EverCalc Expressions Tool, which supersedes the Difference Tool and enables batch operations, multiple operator types, spatial, date, and seasonal filtering options
- Added Comprehensive Visualization and Inspection Tool ("Compviz"), which is designed to address the difficulty of inspecting values across multiple datasets at once
- Screenshot Tool: Added "Export Overlays" option that enables PNG export of daily image overlays
- Screenshot Tool: Added "Export Animated Overlays" option that enables animated GIF export of daily image overlays
- JEM Data Converter: bug fix for "Incorrect input type!" errors on ArcGrid and ERDAS Img files
- EverCalc Shapefile to NetCDF Converter: allow joining shapefile to keys to CSV values
v2.6.0 - 2014-05-14
- Updated to World Wind Java 2.0, which includes Open Street Map and Earth at Night supporting layers
- Updated to GeoTools 10.3
- Updated to JFreeChart 1.0.15
- Optimizations to tiled images: coordinate transformations occur in one step instead of many
- Optimizations to tiled images: use World Wind retriever service for image tile creation
- Optimizations to unstructured grid spatial index: use STR tree instead of quadtree
- Optimization to data access: remove redundant locking mechanism when reading from file
- Added option to layer list to allow toggling between animation optimized and detail optimized (tiled) image layers
- Added support for polygons with interior rings imported/exported from Shapefile and KML
- Added support for multi-polygon groups imported/exported from Shapefile and KML
- New identify object file format supports polygons with interior rings, multi-polygons
- Many, many identify object performance improvements (speed, memory) during load and value calculation, especially for orthogonal grids
- Improvements to globe view identify object labels and shapes, such as remembering calculated value and not redrawing unchanged shapes
- Added field to identify object dialog to specify name
- Allow identify object shape(s) to appear on the globe while value is being calculated
- Allow identify object name and value to be displayed on the globe (use "%V" in name to show value)
- Combined identify object loader and area label dialogs; include sortable columns and "apply all" buttons
- Updated shapefile loader dialog for identify objects to show all attributes in a multi-column table
- Updated shapefile coordinate reference system detection to use GDAL as a fallback if GeoTools fails
- Added the ability to visualize shapefiles as supporting data layers alongside WMS
- Added a context menu to the layer list control: right click to configure, focus, or remove entries
- Added support for multiple color ramp legends when shapefiles are loaded
- Added preference to toggle globe animation "smoothing"
- Added preference to toggle real time globe view synchronization
- Added preference to toggle if the globe zooms and centers on dataset footprint after load
- Added preference, enabled by default, that will let the loader dialog keep the same date selections when the variable is changed
- Added field for variable alias on main loader dialog; updated dialog layout
- Added synchronization dialog for ease of configuring view sync, date sync, and animation sync
- Globe status bar is now a native control, displays center position when cursor isn't moving
- Bug fix: some debug logging statements were causing a huge slowdown for identify objects with many vertices
- Bug fix: batch loader's handling of invalid files for folder search skips them now
- Bug fix: plugged a memory leak related to centering the globe and identify objects
- Bug fix: plugged two memory leaks related to identify object loader dialogs
- Extensions:
- EverChart Coverage Area Tool: added "Save CSV" option
- EverChart Coverage Area Tool: updated UI layout
- EverChart Coverage Area Tool bug fix: when color ramp is a subset of the values in the file, sometimes chart will not be created properly
- EverChart Coverage Area Tool bug fix: chart not appearing after refresh
- EverChart Coverage Area Tool bug fix: running update chart, then reselecting the same variable and updating the chart again will change the units, even if the user didn't change them
- EverChart Coverage Area Tool bug fix: check boxes not visible on some systems
- EverCalc Shapefile to NetCDF Converter: this new tool allows for the conversion of Shapefile features to an orthogonal grid NetCDF file and is available as a converter from the EverVIEW data loader dialog
- Added PFLCC Scenarios Viewer (Windows-only) extension
- Added Windows, Mac, and Linux troubleshooting files
v2.5.4 - 2014-03-18
- Bug fix: date synchronization could lead to stack overflow when > 2 globe sections are loaded and at least one date list extends beyond other(s)
- Bug fix: EverCalc Difference Tool was not taking into account discontinuities in the progression of time offsets
v2.5.3 - 2014-02-10
- Bug fix for CERP NetCDF library not updating properly, causing errors in EverCalc Difference Tool
v2.5.2 - 2013-12-10
- Updated bug report and enhancement request tool to allow toggling of included files with bug report and to include log files ending in ".log.1"
- Bug fix: EverCalc Difference Tool was not preserving time step in output, instead always used days
- Bug fix: EverCalc Difference Tool was not adding geographic CRS to files when appropriate
- Bug fix: EverCalc Difference Tool should not allow a smaller spatial extent dataset to be subtracted from a larger spatial extent dataset
- Bug fix: EverCalc Difference Tool writes incorrect units attribute for latitude coordinate variables
- Bug fix: EverCalc Difference Tool does not properly handle subtrahend dataset extending further north due to array flipping
- Bug fix: EverCalc Layer Similarity Tool was not preserving time step in output, instead always used days
- Bug fix: EverCalc Layer Similarity Tool had a computation error that always used the first time step of the primary dataset for comparison
- Bug fix: EverCalc Layer Similarity Tool intersecting dates comparison was not ONLY outputting intersecting dates but instead using primary dataset as reference
- Bug fix: date synchronization could end up in an unending loop with certain types of date lists
- Bug fix: view will sometimes zoom out when loading from a state file with tiling on
- Updated EverCalc Difference Tool to use last used folder for suggested path instead of temp
- Updated EverCalc Layer Similarity Tool to display variable dimensions in loader dialog
v2.5.1 - 2013-09-19
- Added bug report and enhancement request tool: Help > Report Bug or Enhancement...
- If > 4 datasets are loaded via batch load, the first multi-globe page is set visible and an information dialog tells how to access the other datasets
- Disable "animation enable" and "date sync" button when static data are loaded
- Bug fix: Hitting cancel on the browse folder dialog does not make the batch loader dialog reappear
- Bug fix: Hitting cancel on the extension filter dialog (after folder browse) does not make the batch loader dialog reappear
- Bug fix: Animation configuration dialog entries get corrupted when changing date range
- Bug fix: "Can't add more than 36 custom colors" error when loader dialog is prepopulated from an automatic color ramp
- Bug fix: Log messages being stored in jem_dataconverter.log instead of everview_dataviewer.log
- Bug fix: Sorting color items by min or max value bound creates a ClassCastException in the log
- Bug fix: Identify objects button not deselected when pressed after reaching max
- Bug fix: Region capture from screenshot tool shows incorrect file name in "saved" dialog
- Bug fix: Resizing the data loader dialog with date search boxes enabled takes up all dialog space
- Bug fix: Video capture tool saving to non-existent location on some systems
- Bug fix: JEM Data Converter extension not finding reader format for ESRI Binary Grid on some systems
v2.5.0 - 2013-08-30
- Updated to NetCDF-Java 4.3 and CERP NetCDF 1.2
- Updated to Eclipse 4 framework
- Added an option to the loader dialog to enable tiling on a per section basis
- Added preference "Identify objects to display before scrolling" (see EverVIEW Preferences)
- Added preference for enabling "date search box" in loader dialogs (see Data Load Preferences)
- Added preference for enabling "end date matching" in loader dialogs (see Data Load Preferences)
- Added preferences for minimum legend font size, legend dimensions
- Added preference for showing or hiding gaps in legend ranges
- Added the ability to selectively animate globe sections
- Added the ability to control the set of dates used for animation
- Added the ability to apply common start and end dates for animation
- Date synchronized sections have their animation data set to the common dates between them
- Added batch loading capability: File > Batch Open Data Files
- Internal and user interface changes related to identify objects:
- Better display of progress when creating and calculating values
- Prepare and calculation operations can be cancelled
- Improved synchronization performance
- Data info widget displays identify objects in a table with sortable name and value columns, uses fewer OS resources
- Multiple identify objects can now be focused at the same time
- Updated the File Information dialog to display up to 5 types of metadata, allow changing of file path
- Initial window size is limited to monitor dimensions
- The last used monitor in a multi-monitor setup is remembered for next application run
- UI update for THREDDS server and dataset history view: now uses table widgets
- UI update for custom color ramp view: now uses table widget
- Bug fixes:
- Palettes and history missing when loading from THREDDS catalog
- EverVIEW state files not saving correct information when single perspective in use
- Table view not displaying correct values for byte data type
- Extensions:
- EverCalc Difference Tool: Updated the selection dialog to display globe section, file name, variable name, and variable units.
- JEM Data Converter: integration with updated EverVIEW API allows this new extension to convert raster-based datasets to CERP NetCDF-compliant files from the data loader dialog
v2.4.1 - 2013-04-29
- Bug fix: Identify mode button not turning off identify mode when point type is used
v2.4.0 - 2013-03-27
- New "Welcome" page added to allow quick access to help, changelog
- Identify objects can now be saved to shapefile
- Color ramps can now be imported / shared from other globe sections that already have data loaded
- Optimized runtime for creating image tiles
- Date synchronization: globe sections can now be synchronized temporally in addition to the existing spatial synchronization
- Added icons to most menu items, updated some UI icons to match "Welcome" page
- Added the ability to control the globe scale units through preferences (metric vs. imperial)
- Added help menu entry to display platform error log
- WMS framework rewrite for improved usability in browsing catalog and better legend support
- State files (globe, EverVIEW) can now be saved without a dataset being loaded
- Layer Manager:
- Updated to show tabs for all open globe sections, not just active globe section
- Updated to show up/down arrows to move layers, in addition to existing drag-and-drop behavior
- Extensions:
- Screenshot Tool:
- Region capture preserves image aspect ratio when resized
- Region capture exposes new controls for clearing selection and saving multiple files
- New preference to change selection rectangle color on region capture
- Video Capture Tool: new tool in the Capture extension that enables basic video recording for the full desktop as well as a selected region and outputs to Quicktime format video files
- Added new Scatterplot Tool to EverChart extension
- Bug fixes:
- Some menu commands open multiple dialogs when more than one globe section is open
- Loading WMS with multiple globe sections open loads to all globe sections
- Loading from NcML files does not retrieve the correct date list
- Extensions that load datasets automatically, such as the Difference Tool, only load the first date from the file instead of full time range
- Layer list widget check boxes now show partial checked state, have check/uncheck behavior that is consistent with other applications.
v2.3.0 - 2012-11-16
- Loader dialog:
- Auto-populates when a dataset is already loaded in the globe section
- Keeps track of loaded datasets on new "Recent Datasets" tab
- Updated palette chooser for automatic and preset color ramps
- State files:
- Current date selection is now saved
- Globe viewpoint is now saved in globe state files
- WMS and visible layers saved with dataset information
- Preferences:
- New preferences to control abbreviations in various areas of the application
- New preferences for table cell sizes
- New preferences for color ramp legend: colors, series orientation, number of intervals
- New preferences for identify objects: outline, interior, call-out bubble foreground and background colors
- Most preference changes take immediate effect (where applicable) without requiring reload
- Updated internal framework to use MVP plug-in
- New WMS Legend widget
- Miscellaneous UI updates:
- Loader dialog tabs
- Floating widgets position (shown and hidden); animation
- Layer list widget button layout changed
- Mouse wheel controls scrollbar when widget has focus (color ramp editor, identify object list, WMS entries, etc.)
- Extensions:
- Added new Layer Similarity Tool to EverCalc extension
- Added new Coverage Area Tool to EverChart extension
- Bug fixes:
- Color ramp dialog displaying too many entries when a file has multiple color ramps
- Identify mode menu item not reflecting model state in some instances
- Error when adding identify object outside an unstructured grid's spatial footprint (and table is open)
v2.2.3 - 2012-08-02
- Allow toggling of globe view identify object call-out bubble display via preferences
- Progress displays:
- Open dataset (from dataset loader dialog)
- Date list retrieval when loading new datasets
- Chart View:
- More appropriate scaling for the identify object time series range
- Added preferences for controlling series stroke size, date format, and range padding
- Identify object time series chart retains zoom when date is changed
- Bug fix for identify object time series chart using incorrect zooms due to scaling
- Bug fix for identify object time series chart not properly handling different types of mouse clicks (multiple refreshes)
- Bug fix for incorrect time zone (UTC) used in identify object time series chart
- Display the variable's dimensions in the dataset loader dialog
- Allow adding of new globe sections when in single-globe mode
- Bug fix for incorrect handling of polygons with holes imported from shapefile
- Bug fix for incorrect handling of multipolygon features (with more than one polygon) imported from shapefile
- Bug fix for data info composite not showing loaded dataset information on table viewer
- Bug fix for identify object save and state file save causing problems with the globe locators
- Bug fix for "Data" menu items not being properly enabled under certain conditions
- Bug fix for table, chart views sometimes not being closed when a new dataset is loaded
- Bug fix for automatic color ramp not displaying correctly when min/max is calculated for multiple variables
v2.2.2 - 2012-05-31
- Bug fix importing color ramps from XML not reading max value element properly (less than vs. less than equal)
v2.2.1 - 2012-05-30
- Bug fix for custom palettes not being interpolated to 128 colors
- Bug fix for identify time series chart not properly scaling the range axis
- Bug fix for memory leak when multiple datasets are opened on the same globe section over a long period of time
v2.2.0 - 2012-05-21
- Now based off of World Wind Java 1.2
- Image cache is now built in the background
- Added ability to control layer ordering and opacity
- Can now save and load EverVIEW state files for multiple open datasets and globe sections
- Identify objects can now be partially or fully outside of a dataset's spatial extent
- Cache manager dialog: only calculate file/folder size when items are selected. Greatly improves initial load time for large caches
- If an alias is chosen when loading a file, that is displayed instead of the filename
- Shapefile loader dialog now includes FID attribute selections and sortable feature listing
- Updated analytic surface to work with unstructured grid datasets and orthogonal datasets with large spatial dimensions
- Bug Fixes:
- Memory leak from globe section openings and closings due to elevation models not being freed and layers not being disposed
- Table view, histogram chart, and pie chart not showing correct values when dataset is loaded with a starting date offset
- Highlighted table cells don't stay highlighted after date change
- "Calculate" operation on loader dialog fails for remote datasets
- Erroneous "unable to retrieve date range" dialog for some remote datasets
- Long identify object names causing data info widget to take up too much screen space
- Chart legends are too "squished" (text overlap)
- The Difference Tool is the first tool in the new EverCalc extension
- Use dataset alias in selection dialog if one is present
- The Transect Graph Tool is the first tool in the new EverChart extension
- Annotations for secondary axis were sometimes placed in incorrect y-position
v2.1.2 - 2012-04-06
- Bug fix for fill value coloring on some image overlays
v2.1.1 - 2012-03-02
- Polygon identify objects now have the option to display projected area within their globe bubble, with user-choice of units
- New identify objects by default show their value until renamed by the user. If the user sets the name to "=", then value is again displayed
- Identify objects that use the calculation method "average" can now include areas with fill values
v2.1.0 - 2012-02-27
- Added support for CERP Unstructured Grid NetCDF files (
- Detect and use "min" and "max" attributes for data variables if full time range is selected
- Color Ramp:
- Added ability to specify min and max range to use for automatic color ramp, preset color ramp
- Added option to choose from a list of predefined palettes to use for automatic color ramp, preset color ramp.
- Added field to set the number of color classes to use for preset color ramp, including 10% and 25% chunks
- Detect and disable out of date extensions
- Bug Fixes:
- Image layers not showing up when same dataset reloaded
- Performance hit on loading multiple datasets while using tiling
- Display of "min" and "max" on loader dialog not using same precision as dataset
- Shapefile geometry not being transformed to same projection as loaded dataset
- Shapefile loading dialog is sluggish when selecting items
- Identify object loading dialog is sluggish when many items are present
- User is not warned when trying to load identify objects from XML file if the document is the wrong type
- Synchronized globe views do not share the same heading
- Crash on Mac OSX when loading large datasets on several globes
- Difference Tool:
- Now supports unstructured grid data sources
- Reporting Tool:
- Allows grouping by datasets with an atemporal variable
- Transect Graph Tool:
- Now supports unstructured grid data sources
- Added ability to save transect data values to CSV
- Updated interface to include menu bar for common actions
v2.0.0 - 2011-12-09
- Multi-globe paging allows for up to 8 globe sections
- Remote datasets (THREDDS)
- Browser for THREDDS catalogs
- Support for loading THREDDS datasets
- Menu entries for common tasks (no longer just "File" and "Help")
- Keyboard shortcuts for menu entries
- Color Ramp:
- Color ramp designer now supports naming of color classes and editing of range values
- Color ramp on globe can be hidden
- Identify objects:
- Added new types: lines, point groups, and polygons
- Choice of calculation method for displayed value (new types only): average, min, and max
- Support for loading from KML files and ESRI Shapefiles
- Support for saving to KML
- Removed support for saving to CSV
- XY line chart can now be clicked to change selected date
- Identify object list widget is now scrollable when needed, has a "clear" button
- NetCDF Datasets:
- Added support for datasets that have "large" dimensions (spatial, temporal)
- New image tiling capability allows zooming to a high level of detail on globe
- New table widget allows data to be retrieved as necessary, table view opens faster now
- Histogram and pie charts are multi-threaded now
- Support for aggregated datasets using NcML along time dimension
- Image projection onto WGS84 globe tweaked.
- Display legend image if available
- Expand layer listing automatically when a new WMS is loaded
- Update to WMS loader dialog to include recently loaded WMS services
- User-configurable image cache location
- Bug Fixes:
- If the NetCDF file cannot be found when loading from a state file, show a file dialog prompt
- On Mac OSX, menu items under application name work now
- Do not allow duplicate identify objects to be picked
- Do not allow identify objects outside of the data's spatial extent
- Some synchronization problems of identify objects between globes fixed
- Fixed color ramp legend for some custom color ramps with values outside of dataset range
- Fixed color ramp display for datasets with a single data value or no data
- Release NetCDF file handles when globe section closed or load cancelled
- Cache Manager no longer freezes when loading (especially for large caches)
- Support for coordinate projections that use "feet" units in WKT / esri_pe_string
- Fix for disappearing Layers Manager after some WMS entries are removed
- Support for extensions is currently in development
- Extensions released by the EverVIEW team (can be installed via menu "Help"->"Install New Software"):
- Transect Graph Tool (for analyzing values over transect distance)
- Reporting Tool (calculate statistics for a variable based on certain grouping criteria)
- Climate Envelope (visualize data related to climate envelope models via WMS)
- Screenshot Tool (capture view, window, region)
- Difference Tool (subtract two datasets)
v1.5.0 - 2011-02-25
- Warning message added to detect if blue marble server is down
- Added support for atemporal NetCDF datasets
- Many many many changes to color ramp support
- Using CERP NetCDF libraries for NetCDF support
- Cache management
- Checks for compatible video card on startup
- Imagery fill value fixes for transparent data
- Using CERP NetCDF library projection support now (geotools)
- Properly projecting imagery onto the world wind WGS84 globe
- Fixed display of date's time field (always show UTC now)
- Removed black border from on-globe imagery
- Globe state file saves relative file path now
- Fixed bug with single globe click on synced globe views
- Fixed bug with resizing globe views and drag extent
- Fixed bug with color ramp number precision displayed
- Animation controls disabled if data cannot be animated
- Fixed bug: Identify chart current date line disappears when animating
- Added experimental support for 3D analytic surface
- Fixed inverted legend bug...again
- Fixed table view coloring
v1.1.1 - 2010-08-11
- Fixed a major bug in the Table view that caused the same set of coordinates to be appended every time a Chart view was opened for that section
- Fixed several coordinate system/projection compatibility issues related to LatLon datasets
- Made several significant performance improvements related to coordinate index searches and data value conversion
- Fixed several issues related to different projections/coordinate systems while centering on / identify points across different globes and tables
- Fixed layer rendering issue that sporadically caused the application to lock up when globe sections were opened or closed while animating
- Improved thread safety in several places in the code
v1.1.0 - 2012-08-10
v1.0.0 - 2010-07-15
- Initial release